The single-cell steel composite bridge is part of the new section of the A 46 motorway between the Bestwig-Velmede and Nuttlar juncions. It crosses the valley of the Schleborn Brook, in Germany's Sauerland region. The round piers are paired and lean slightly inward; Doka developed a custom-tailored formwork solution for their construction and supplied four underslung Composite forming carriages for the superstrucure of the Nuttlar Viaduct.
Year of Completition
10 months
Overall length
Constant transverse gradient
pairs of inward-leaning round towers with cross-connections
• casting a 28.60-m wide and 660-m long deck slab with constant 4 % gradient and around 9-m wide cantilever slabs on single-cell steel superstructure (closed trough)
• safe up/down access at heights in excess of 100 m tunnel)
The inward-leaning pairs of round piers were constructed wirh Doka automatic climbing formwork. Six synchronised hydraulic cylinders per Cantilever forming traveller were used so that the diagonal struts could be passed quickly in the formin and stripping operations.