
When it should go full power
Our solutions make it work

Formwork solutions for power plant construction

Amidst the different options in power plant construction, there is one goal at the top of the list: generating energy as quickly as possible. Although the objective is formulated with utmost simplicity, the solutions for getting there are no less challenging. Apart from widely different geological and topographical conditions as well as special stipulations regarding the concrete there are other major challenges with power plant projects including perfectly coordinated timing for the different steps and buildings.

Our comprehensive practical experience in power plant construction makes us the right partner at your side: from optimisation of the method and schedule of construction through to the synergies in formwork utilisation and on-site support from our specialists.


Renewable energy sources

Sustainable energy projects for future generations

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Conventional energy sources

Thermal power for consistent generation of energy

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Tanks and Silos

Warehousing and storage of solid, liquid and gaseous substances

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Extracting and processing earth's minerals

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Construction Project
What is being built?

Building construction

Based on your project's unique requirements, Doka provides comprehensive solutions for all cast-in-place concrete structures in your project. Whether hydro power plants in moving waters, power houses, cooling towers or tower structures in case of solar and wind power plants. Doka creates project-specific solutions including system or custom formwork used all over the world.

Geometry of structure

The diversity of the different buildings is also reflected in their geometry. These geometric boundary conditions such as changes in wall cross-section and slope angle, the resulting complexity and the number of pouring sections are crucial for selection of the right formwork systems.

Construction method
How is it being built?

Workflow planning

Observing cycle times has considerable impact on the progress of the entire project. To ensure complete success, detailed planning of system formwork, commissioning quantities, their reuse in additional construction sections within the project and personnel resources are critical.

Safety in every situation

We work with our customers to develop project-specific safety concepts. From concrete monitoring with real-time measuring values or operating and repositioning formwork to stair towers and safeguards through to emergency planning.

Site infrastructure

A smooth and efficient construction process depends on a functioning site infrastructure. Good formwork solutions ease the workload, support concrete placement and provide a sufficient amount of storage space and load capacity.

6. On-site Services

  • digital SITE
  • Pre-assembly service
  • Formwork instructor / technician
  • Formwork inspection as assembled
  • Concrefy

5. Logistics

  • Delivery and return delivery just-in-time
  • Site logistics
  • Formwork return
  • Cleaning and reconditioning
  • myDoka

4. Safety with Doka

  • Safety Systems
  • Certified formwork solutions
  • Documentation
  • Training / Operation license

What we offer?


1. Developing the optimal formwork solution

  • Structural analysis
  • Determining general conditions
  • Feasibility study
  • BIM with Doka

2. Engineering

  • digital ENGINEERING
  • Execution, approval & pre-assembly planning
  • Cycle planning
  • Quantities commissioned
  • Static calculations

3. Formwork Solutions

Get in touch

The international experience of Doka gives you pooled, concentrated knowledge for a successful project. Your contact person will help you find the best individual solution, to make your project's 'bottom line' a success, too. In short: expert specialised formwork planning with lasting benefits for your power plant construction project.

Arash Talajouy
Arash TalajouyBusiness Development Manager+43 664 8373848
Danilo Bojovic
Danilo BojovicBusiness Development Manager+43 664 9610515