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Parkeringshus Hagastaden

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Parking has been commissioned by the City Council of Stockholm City to build new underground garages in order to relieve the street land from parked cars.

The parking garage Hagastaden will have 1022 parking spaces. It will be Stockholm Parking's largest number of parking spaces and longest garage, two floors of about 550 meters each. The project, which is an execution contract, will be completed by 2021. When the garage is complete, large parts of the North Station Park will be built on its roof.

P-house Hagastaden is a prerequisite for large parts of Hagastaden to be built. As the district is largely a superstructure over rail and road areas, many builders cannot solve the parking needs within their own property. This also makes the construction project complex.

Being able to offer Dokadek as slab. and also be able to cast beams with Dokadek to find a quick way to work. and minimize crane lifting.

Formwork with Dokadek 0,81* 2,44 , ligthweight solution insted of Doka Flex

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Project data

Year of completion
Project duration
1 Year
Norra stationsvägen 40
Veidekke Enterprenad AB


Systems used

Dokadek 30