

Visítenos en la feria bauma de Múnich y compruebe por sí mismo cómo hacemos que funcione: cada día, en cada proyecto.

Doka en bauma Munich
7-13 de Abril de 2025

Ya se trate de construcción de edificios, ingeniería civil, infraestructuras, obra nueva o renovación, puede contar con nosotros. En más de 5.300 m² presentamos nuestra amplia cartera de productos: Más de 40 expositores y un equipo de expertos de todos los campos. Descubra con nosotros lo que es posible.

Formwork & Scaffolding.
We make it work.

Bauma 2025

bauma press preview 2025

Curious to learn more? Download the complete bauma preview press kit, including the German and English versions along with high-quality images.

Download bauma preview press kit

Lo más destacado que no debe perderse:

Andamio Ringlock de 30 m con mirador

Automatización de la construcción, sensores y robótica

Demostraciones en directo sobre digitalización en la obra

Edificio sostenible: Renovación, reducción de CO2.2

Trabajo en red: Conozca a expertos del sector

El gran escenario Doka con más de 100 espectáculos en directo


Experiencia en innovaciones en los siguientes ámbitos

At bauma we will unveil our vision of a fully digitized formwork process. The focus is on enabling seamless process integration through a connected platform to unlock unparalleled transparency and full control over the entire formwork and pouring workflow, anytime and anywhere.

Doka intelligent heated formwork prototype

Through targeted heating, the intelligent heated formwork prototype accelerates the delayed strength development of CO₂-reduced concrete, enabling safe and efficient use on site.

Debuting globally, the new DokaXshore is a lightweight, tool-free shoring system engineered for maximum efficiency with a 100 kN leg load capacity.

Doka Safeflex

A new safety upgrade for beam slab formwork with the Safeflex sliding mesh and Safeflex system, sets new standards in stability and safety in both precast and in-situ concrete applications.

Doka Eurex 20 basic floor prop

The new Doka Eurex 20 basic floor prop, combines higher load-bearing capacity with reduced weight, ensuring easier handling and lower costs across all slab systems.

DokaXbot Lift

Featuring intuitive ground-level operation, automatic fine adjustments, and compensation for floor unevenness, the DokaXbot Lift now enables the precise positioning of formwork elements up to 5.7 meters high.

The Xlife top sheet is the first Doka formwork sheet with a core made entirely from upcycled plastic. Designed for particularly high durability and multiple reuse cycles.

Ringlock scaffolding

A dedicated area to the new scaffolding product lines will feature developments in façade scaffolding, access systems, and expanded shoring applications, increasing the versatility of Ringlock scaffolding for construction projects.

Doka XT20 beam

A key highlight among new components is the innovative XT20 beam, which offers 50 % higher load capacity, resulting in up to 15 % material and cost savings.

Doka LeanForm

Doka LeanForm is a central pre-assembly platform that, just like an assembly line, allows complete formwork units to be assembled at a safe, controlled workstation, before being lifted into place by a crane.

DokaXdek slab formwork

The DokaXdek slab formwork family with the DokaXdek table, DokaXdek panel and DokaXdek I-frame will be presented with latest innovations at the show

With the next-generation drive system Doka FormDrive, Doka creates the basis for automated formwork solutions in high-rise and infrastructure construction.

Doka UniKit

The Doka UniKit heavy shoring system has already proven itself on high-rise, bridge, tunnel, power plant, and industrial jobsites.

Be part of the action!

Experience our latest innovations in formwork, scaffolding, and digitization for construction in over 100 live shows throughout the entire trade fair week.

Doka bauma Live shows
  • DokaXdek, slab formwork family
    9:30 (only Saturday), 10:00, 12:30, 15:30 (except Sunday)
  • DokaXshore, a lightweight and tool-free shoring system
    10:30, 13:30, 16:00 (except Sunday)
  • Wall Formwork Solutions
    11:00, 14:00, 16:30 (except Sunday)
  • Safeflex, a new safety upgrade for beam slab formwork
    11:30, 14:30, 17:00 (except Sunday)
  • Ringlock, modular scaffolding system
    12:00, 15:00, 17:30 (except Sunday)
  • Smart Construction, automation, robotics & more
    10:45, 11:15, 13:10, 14:15, 16:15, 17:15 (except Sunday)

Bauma 2025: We make it work.

Lo que define nuestro trabajo en las obras también nos guía a la hora de crear el stand de Doka para bauma 2025: Hacemos que funcione. Nuestro equipo se prepara con pasión para ofrecer una experiencia ferial inolvidable. Acompáñenos en el viaje a bauma y visítenos cuando se abran las puertas el 7 de abril de 2025.

Doka en bauma Munich
7-13 de Abril de 2025

Recinto ferial de Múnich Área al aire libre Norte/Oeste
Estand FN.420-FN.423

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Y aún hay más por descubrir: Doka forma parte del grupo internacional Umdasch: su futuro socio durante todo el ciclo de vida de un objeto de construcción.

Learn more about the Umdasch Group
Umdaschgroup Logo