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NET ZERO by 2040

How we understand sustainability

We create spaces. Spaces, in which people live, work and spend their leisure time. We create infrastructures that enable innovation and business. In the world and at home. That is our mission. That is the mission of the Umdasch Group AG, of which Doka is a part.

Together, we are expressing this commitment take by driving CO2 emission savings throughout the lifecycle construction projects we are involved in. From project development to planning, construction and ultimately ongoing operations, in renovation, deconstruction and recycling.

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. That is why we are aiming to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2040. We are doing this by producing more efficiently and using energy more sparingly. We push methods and materials that have a positive ecological impact.

We us the product carbon footprint of our entire global product portfolio to create transparency for our customers. We act responsibly and rely on the circular economy as a central driver of decarbonization. We ensure a safe working environment. We promote diversity and create spaces where our employees can develop their full potential.

„We aim to operate sustainably, conserve resources and develop innovations that address our customers' future challenges.“ Robert Hauser, CEO Doka.

Our Environment

Our Environment
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Our Partners

Our Partners
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Our Products

Our Products
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Our Finances

Our Finances
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Our People

Our People
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Our Visions

Our Visions
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Sustainability Report

We do not develop the strategy for sustainable management alone, we develop it together with our parent company, Umdasch Group AG, and the two sister companies, umdasch The Store Makers and Umdasch Group Ventures. For this reason, our sustainable projects can be found in the joint annual report.

Integrated annual report Umdasch Group 2023Integrated annual report Umdasch Group 2022Integrated annual report Umdasch Group 2021Integrated annual report Umdasch Group 2020Integrated annual report Umdasch Group 2018


A strategy is only a basis. Only the right projects initiate development. Our initiatives show how diverse sustainability is.

A career abroad? Yes!

Three months’ work experience in the USA changed her life. For the Hungarian Yard Manager, too, Doka was the gateway to the world. A third was in the Ivory Coast for his project.

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An excellent combination of work and family life

Satisfied employees offer tremendous potential! Doka does its bit to create happy families with Umdasch Nest. At our Amstetten site the little ones are well looked after in our company’s own crèche, including in the years before they are old enough for the kindergarten.

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A deliciously cool start to the employee engagement survey

Improvements depend on honest feedback. This is why the Umdasch Group introduced a global engagement survey so that all employees have an opportunity to make their views known.

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Responsibility is part of the deal for the Umdasch Group

The Umdasch Group has set itself the goal of linking knowledge, business and values and thus fulfilling the responsibility that both the Umdasch Group and its companies have to society.

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Step by step to more fitness!

Sports not only have an immense impact on your health, they also have a positive effect on well-being. Doka Saudi Arabia has acknowledged this and launched a three-month fitness challenge.

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Doka brings self-directed development into the Spotlight

Doka and the Umdasch Group have set themselves the target to support employees in our complex and fast-moving world of work in the best way we can to achieve flexible and needs-based development that is useful for them. The route we have chosen is tailored learning offers for independent development.

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New land with NEULANDT

NEULANDT’s portable precast plant N3P is on its first mission to Abidjan on the Ivory Coast. N3P allows for the industrial production of precast elements directly on the construction site. This creates added value at a local level and high process efficiency. The results are sustainable, affordable living spaces, as well as a better social infrastructure.

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Powder coating 4.0

The cutting-edge powder-coating system has been in operation near the Amstetten headquarters since 2021. What can such a system achieve? Every single step of production can be optimised for sustainability, using the latest robot technology, digitalisation, automation and state-of-the-art technology. It protects the environment and people.

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Seven Climate Rangers show the way

Seven Doka employees completed the Climate Ranger Academy to develop their knowledge on climate protection and mainstream this knowledge within Doka's business environment. This is because transformation will only be successful if sustainability is reflected in the strategy, the business’s own core processes and in its everyday processes.

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Sustainability wins prizes

What is the idea behind the Umdasch Group’s Sustainability Prize? It is to promote projects that work towards a sustainability strategy and these projects are within the company itself. What started in 2020 is now an annual event. Employees are very enthusiastic and motivated.

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A green light for green energy

Over 10,000 sq.m. of solar panels will have been installed on the roofs of buildings in Amstetten, St. Georgen and St. Martin by the end of 2023. Thus around 9% of electricity required each year at the Amstetten site can be covered with solar power.

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A clever move!

Doka’s transport logistics in Amstetten are attracting attention with their strong, sustainable focus on expanding intermodal traffic. Consignments are transported in combination with railways. More and more Doka countries are joining.

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Doka Sweden’s vehicles are going green

Doka Sweden’s trucks are producing 80–90% fewer greenhouse gases by using a different sort of green fuel. HVO100 fuel is leading the way in the sustainability stakes, as it is primarily made of waste fats such as cooling oils or animal fat.

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Carbon footprint for around 7,000 products

From the procurement of raw material and production through to delivery to distribution centres and branches worldwide, use on construction sites, repair and cleaning and, finally, the recovery and recycling phase of the product. Around 7,000 products have been examined right down to the last detail. Or, to be more accurate, to calculate their carbon footprint.

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The end of paper!

Doka Amstetten is achieving in practice what was earlier thought to be unimaginable. There was great enthusiasm as they discovered and appreciated the advantages of paperless manufacturing. If an appropriate device is used, digitalisation brings very important advantages, especially in production. Everything is right up to date – with just a couple of clicks.

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Our vision of sustainability?

Outside-in or not at all.

The 17 global goals of the United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs for short - address the key challenges of sustainable development at a global level. With our commitment to sustainability, we want to make a contribution to achieving these goals. In 2018, the Umdasch Group signed up to them. Since then, we have been applying the SDGs to our processes and projects in terms of content. They serve as a guideline for us and guarantee that we do not work past global needs and requirements, but actively participate in their solution with our products and services.

Our Environment

Sustainability means earning money sustainably, not just spending it sustainably.

We are committed to optimizing the use of limited – even finite – resources. Even better, we push methods and materials that have positive ecological impacts. Digital technologies, new methods and alternative materials are in demand. They are “eco intelligent” and recyclable.

Data as the basis for CO2 reduction

Where to start? The best place is ourselves. Because only those who know where their emission sources are located can control and eliminate them. That is precisely our goal and why we are calculating our Corporate Carbon Footprint. First, we focus on our direct emissions, such as the fuel combustion of our company vehicles (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heat or cooling (Scope 2).

Our Partners

Networks create connections

Climate protection in particular is a challenge that we can only conquer as a united and strong community. Partnerships are essential to this success. Together with our customers, partners and employees, we are creating a fair and environmentally sustainable future that will enable everyone to live and thrive. We are open to dialogue, willing to share our experiences, and learn from our partners.

Our Products

New methods and smart technologies drive major global megatrends

The sustainability of a product is represented by its life cycle: How are raw materials obtained? How are they processed? How efficient and ecological is the manufacturing process? And how is a product recycled sustainably at the end of its life? In our industry, special attention is paid to the use of our products. Quality and workmanship are crucial to their longevity. That is our focus.

Focus on the life cycle

What quantities of CO2 emissions are associated with a product over its entire life cycle? This question is important today, because customers also need to be able to make environmentally conscious decisions. The Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) can help provide the answers.

Net-zero by 2040

Our goal is to be carbon neutral by 2040. The important first step towards that goal is to calculate our Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). We can already provide a PCF for every item in our entire product portfolio, which also informs our customers how much Doka's products contribute to each customer’s own carbon footprint. At the same time, the PCF enables us to identify CO2 hotspots in the life cycle of our products and to implement targeted measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are using our PCFs to develop climate-friendly products in the future: this is a central component of our climate strategy.

Decarbonization of the construction industry

One thing is clear: concrete construction must become more sustainable, especially with lower CO2 emissions. The use of CO2-reduced concrete mixes can make an important contribution to decarbonizing the construction industry.

To achieve this, we are developing services and solutions that help our customers and partners to find and process CO2-reduced concrete mixes and to use them safely and productively on the construction site.

Working with CO2-reduced concrete mixes

Our Finances

How external factors influence the earnings situation of companies

Our growth strategy is focused on the future. At the same time, we are holding firmly on to the foundation of our success: a stable structure of resources, operations, products, and staff who are capable of mastering crisis and acting independently and autonomously. Investments in new production facilities and machinery to the latest standards, renewable energy, and expansion or renovation of existing buildings – these investments keep us up to date, environmentally friendly and competitive.

Our People

What do we expect from our employees?
Lots of new initiative!

In nature, monocultures are dead ends. In organizations, it is much the same. Diversity is a key driver of successful global companies. Diversity means bringing together different cultures, skills and talents. Learning from each other. Inspiring each other. Diversity is the rich soil in which new ideas will sprout and grow.

Our Visions

Innovations to meet global challenges

Neither costly greenwashing nor blatant eco-marketing will help us combat and overcome climate change and global warming. What is needed are digital technologies, new methods and alternative materials.

Answers to these important social, ecological and economic questions can only be found by working together.


The satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders is important to us. The fact that we meet customer requirements in the best possible way is proven by ISO 9001. This international standard for quality management is met by a total of six umdasch sites.

Both climate change and new legal requirements are increasing expectations of corporate environmental management. These demands can be met by means of certification in accordance with the environmental standard DIN EN ISO 14001.

ISO 14001 is proof that the company attaches importance to the responsible use of natural resources.

Certified quality management system
according to ISO 9001

Certified environment management system according to ISO 14001
Certified supply chain system
according to ISO 38200

Many Doka products are made of wood and wood-based materials. Right from the production stage, Doka is committed to using this valuable, renewable raw material in a way that conserves resources.

We look out for the FSC or PEFC certificate. These certificates ensure that wood comes from sustainably managed forests.

FSC® certification
Wood from sustainable forest management

PEFC certification
Timber from sustainable forestry

Get in touch

Do you have any questions or suggestions on the subject of sustainability? Contact us - we look forward to hearing from you.

Weber Julia
Weber JuliaHead of Department - Sustainability