

Sliding structures in
Doka quality

Welcome to Doka Slipform - your reliable partner for efficient slipforming solutions! As a leading formwork supplier, we offer you an all-round carefree package for your construction project. Individual customer care is very important to Doka and we work closely with you to develop customised solutions to meet your requirements. We look forward to helping you deliver your next high-rise or civil engineering structure.


Doka-Slipform - Preisgünstigeres System

Low-cost system -
low material consumption

Doka-Slipform - Schnelle Montage und Demontage

Quick assembly and disassembly

Doka-Slipform - Fugenlose Bauausführung

Seamless construction

Doka-Slipform - Kein Ein- und Ausschalen

Form constantly attached to the formwork

Doka-Slipform - Keine Durchankerung

No anchoring

Doka-Slipform - Geringe Anfoderungen an Betonfrühfestigkeit

Low requirements for early strength of the concrete

Doka-Slipform - Windunempfindlichkeit

High wind resistance

Doka-Slipform - Extrem kurze Bauzeiten

Extremely short construction times


Do you have any questions or concerns? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Bernd Reitmaier
Bernd ReitmaierHead of Sales Doka Slipform+43 664 88836206

We do business all over the world.

High-rise core
One City Park, Bradford (UK)

Biogas Tanks
South Dakota (USA)

Wall boxes
St. Marein (Austria)

Staircase core
Shopping City Seiersberg, Graz (Austria)

Sewage treatment plant Brebach
Saarbrücken (Germany)


We make sure your project runs smoothly!

From our network of 160 locations, Doka is the first company in the world to offer a complete range of solutions including jumpform and slipform, to ensure you have the right solution for your project. All from a single source and in the usual Doka quality.

In addition to the site supervisor, our local colleagues are always available to support your project from the planning phase to develop suitable solutions for your structures. Economically and efficiently using the slipforming method our experts in slipforming have joined forces with our formwork experts to develop a completely new slipforming solution, using many standard components from the Doka range.

The worldwide availability of this standard equipment creates a significant logistical advantage and considerable cost saving opportunities on site. Our TOP50 modular system, for example, allows tailored control of the working platform dimensions.

This not only results in lower costs, but also maximises safety. Optionally, our slipform projects can be managed using the Doka Sitelife software. This means that target/actual comparisons can be carried out in real time during slipforming, the height and verticality of the structure can be measured digitally and the daily progress of work can be documented in the form of daily site reports.

All the information is summarised in our leaflet:


The slipform method

Discover the innovative formwork technology that allows you to build continuously upwards, achieving a daily performance of up-to ten meters depending on site demands and conditions. Our formwork slides over the concrete surface, and our experts offer constant advice and guidance to the adjustment of the slipforming speed and concrete mix to the site conditions to ensure a smooth process. By using slipform technology, Doka can help reduce construction times, create a monolithic structure with no construction joints or anchor penetrations, reduce crane requirements and minimise space, labour and material requirements. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss how slipforming can help you deliver your projects faster and more efficiently.

Doka Slipform System

Areas of application


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Bridge pylons and piers

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Waste incinerator plants

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LNG Tanks / Oil and Gas Industry

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Power station structures

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Stairwell shafts / high-rise cores / lift shafts

© Shutterstock


Doka-slipform Caisson / Senkkasten

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See for yourself!

Are you interested in slipforming as a construction method or do you have a specific project that might be suitable?
Then please get in touch!

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